On Tuesday, Union Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal criticized AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal, demanding an apology regarding a recent incident in Punjab’s Amritsar where a man attempted to deface a statue of B R Ambedkar. Additionally, Union Minister Ramdas Athawale called for the resignation of Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann in response to the vandalism of Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s statue in Amritsar.
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) governs Punjab.
Ambedkar’s Statue Defaced in Punjab
On the 26th of January, during Republic Day celebrations, a startling incident took place in Amritsar where an individual vandalised the statue of Dr BR Ambedkar, recognized as the architect of the Indian Constitution.
The assailant, identified as , ascended the statue using a ladder meant for political leaders to lay floral tributes and struck Ambedkar’s statue with a hammer, inflicting substantial damage to both the statue and a sculpture of the Constitution positioned alongside it.
Onlookers in Amritsar promptly detained the vandal and turned him over to the authorities.
The event triggered widespread outrage and denunciation from numerous political figures and community groups.
Meghwal Urges Apology from Kejriwal
On Tuesday, Meghwal reiterated his call for an apology from AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal, asserting that the incident reflects negatively on the AAP administration currently in power in Punjab.
Meghwal emphasized the stark contrast between the reverence shown to the Constitution during Republic Day events in Delhi and the vandalism taking place in Amritsar.
“On January 26, tableaux were being paraded in Delhi, displaying respect for the Constitution, while in Amritsar, Baba Saheb’s statue was being attacked,” Meghwal stated during a press briefing in Bikaner, Rajasthan.
“Arvind Kejriwal should take responsibility and apologise for that,” he asserted.
Athawale Calls for CM Mann’s Resignation
Union Minister Ramdas Athawale also expressed his views on the matter, insisting that Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann should resign, citing “laxity” in managing the incident.
Accusing the , Athawale, who heads the Republican Party of India, further stated that the individual involved in the vandalism “deserves the harshest punishment.”
“This incident in is regrettable, yet it appears to be treated lightly by the AAP government. Bhagwant Mann should accept moral accountability and step down as the chief minister,” he remarked.
Athawale emphasized, “The event in Amritsar is appalling… Bhagwant Mann should take moral responsibility and resign from his position.” The occurrence has not only ignited widespread anger but has also sparked demands for a comprehensive investigation into how such an incident could transpire under the current regime.