Uddhav Thackeray delivered a message for Chief Justice DY Chandrachud during a Dussehra rally in Mumbai, offering some advice and urging him to make the right decision. The Shiv Sena leader highlighted various contentious issues, such as the Dharavi redevelopment project, and emphasized the importance of the judiciary in upholding democracy.
“I want to advise the CJI to make history by making the right decisions. It’s important to not just speak, but also to act decisively. By aligning with Narendra Modi, it’s fine, but failing to deliver judgments erodes public trust in the judiciary. The people have faith in the judiciary and our democratic system,” Thackeray stated.
He reiterated his commitment to the people of Maharashtra and vowed to scrap the controversial Dharavi project if his coalition, the Mahavikas Aghadi, wins re-election.
“When Amit Shah visited Maharashtra, he promised only Mahayuti alliance, but back in 2019, he made different assurances. I am not fighting for myself alone, but for all of you. The sale of Dharavi to Adani has led to numerous issues for its residents. Rest assured, I will cancel Adani’s project in Dharavi once we regain power,” he affirmed.
The statement made by Uddhav Thackeray underscores the political tensions and stakes at play in Maharashtra, as he positions himself as a champion of the people’s interests against powerful corporate forces.