Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami recently attended the “Sagar Gaurav Diwas” event in Madhya Pradesh’s Sagar district, where he participated alongside Chief Minister Mohan Yadav. During this event held on Monday, Dhami inaugurated and laid the foundation stone for several projects, including the revitalization of Lakha Banjara Lake.
In his address, CM Dhami congratulated CM Yadav on completing a year in governance. He also paid homage to the late Atal Bihari Vajpayee, a former Prime Minister and Bharat Ratna awardee from Madhya Pradesh.
Reflecting on his childhood, Dhami shared fond memories of his time spent in Sagar, recalling how his father, who served in the Mahar Regiment, had him posted in the area. He expressed his deep attachment to Sagar, stating, “This sacred ground has shaped my values and inspired my journey. Each street and lake represents a part of my life that I cherish.”
In his remarks, Dhami commended the Madhya Pradesh government’s progress, noting that the state has significantly transformed over the past year under Mohan Yadav’s leadership. He expressed optimism for the future, believing that in the coming four years, Yadav’s administration would drive Madhya Pradesh’s development forward at an impressive rate.
Highlighting the collaboration of “double-engine governments,” Dhami stated that under Prime Minister Modi’s guidance, states are united in aiming for India to become a developed nation by 2047. He pointed out the remarkable redevelopment efforts at Kedarnath Dham and Mahakal Lok as examples of this vision.
Focusing on Uttarakhand, Dhami emphasized its status as a pivotal center for faith, culture, and tradition for the entire nation. He mentioned the recent passage of the Uniform Civil Code Bill in Uttarakhand, which he sees as a step toward ensuring equal citizenship rights for all, reinforcing the state’s commitment to preserving its cultural heritage and integrity against forced conversions.
Dhami concluded by echoing PM Modi’s mantra of “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas,” underscoring the importance of collective efforts for inclusive growth and the accelerated development being achieved across all sectors under the current government.