Tamil Nadu boasts the lowest electricity rates for residential consumers in India, according to a statement from the State government released on Monday.
According to data shared on Twitter by analyst Arvind Warrier in March 2023, the average cost for household electricity in Tamil Nadu is only ₹113 per 100 units. This rate is remarkably lower compared to other states such as Maharashtra (₹668), Uttar Pradesh (₹693), and Rajasthan (₹833).
The state provides several subsidies, including 100 free units of electricity to every domestic user. For usage beyond this threshold, the average rate remains exceptionally economical at ₹113 per 100 units. In contrast, households in Mumbai experience electricity rates that range from ₹488 to ₹643, depending on their service provider, while states like West Bengal and Karnataka charge ₹654 and ₹631, respectively.
Moreover, the subsidies in Tamil Nadu go beyond residential users. Farmers benefit from complimentary electricity for over 200,000 agricultural pump sets. Additionally, power loom weavers receive 1,000 free units every two months, and handloom weavers are allotted 300 free units in the same timeframe, as stated by the government.