Telangana’s Irrigation and Civil Supplies Minister, N. Uttam Kumar Reddy, has announced proactive measures to enhance the Nagarjuna Sagar dam ahead of the summer season. During a review meeting focused on the Nagarjuna Sagar Project (NSP), he emphasized the importance of repairing the dam and its associated canal network.
Minister Reddy instructed officials to fast-track repairs and urged local authorities to accelerate land acquisition for various irrigation initiatives within the district. He highlighted that there are approximately 334 lift irrigation schemes in the state, which are either fully operational or partially functioning, covering a total area of 469,138 acres.
Reddy directed that all these irrigation projects should be restored to their full operational capacity, with a particular emphasis on small lift irrigation schemes, advocating that they receive prioritized funding and support. He noted that, unlike major irrigation projects, which often require substantial investment and ongoing costs, smaller schemes typically need less financial outlay and maintenance, while providing a more favorable cost-benefit ratio for farmers.
The minister urged officials to ensure the complete functionality of these smaller schemes through timely repairs and related work to achieve the targeted ayacut of 469,138 acres.
He also called for the expedited work on the Nellikal Lift Irrigation Scheme, which will draw water from the Nagarjuna Sagar reservoir. This ambitious ₹664.80 crore project aims to irrigate around 24,624 acres and will be implemented in two phases, with the first phase focused on irrigating 7,600 acres by the upcoming Kharif season.
Additionally, it was resolved to construct a link canal that will connect the high-level canal to the low-level canal, traversing various tanks in Nalgonda district, such as Medawarm, Pothunur, Sangaram, Peddavoora, and Thungathurthy. This project, which extends over 0–15,000 km and is estimated to cost ₹62.26 crore, has already acquired 43.31 acres of the necessary 65.02 acres of land. The minister directed officials to issue tenders promptly and ensure that the project is completed on schedule.
Reddy reaffirmed that the Nagarjuna Sagar project is a prestigious initiative and a vital resource for the state of Telangana. He assured that the government would take all necessary steps to reinforce the dam and fully harness its potential to meet the agricultural needs of the region.