On the first day of the 2025 session, Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi exited the Assembly within just three minutes. His departure was prompted by the lack of the National Anthem being sung before the proceedings began.
Several MLAs objected to the Governor being allowed to deliver his speech, while members of the AIADMK party voiced their concerns regarding an issue related to Anna University. In light of the protests, the Governor chose not to read his prepared remarks and instead left, allowing the Speaker to read his speech in his absence.
Following the incident, the Governor expressed his disappointment on social media, stating, “Today, the Constitution of India and the National Anthem were disrespected in the Tamil Nadu Assembly. Upholding the National Anthem is one of the primary Fundamental Duties outlined in our Constitution. It is customary for it to be sung at the beginning and end of the Governor’s address in all state assemblies. Upon my arrival, only the song ‘Tamil Thaai Vaazhthu’ was performed. I respectfully reminded the Assembly of its constitutional obligation and earnestly urged the Honorable Chief Minister, as well as the Honorable Speaker, to sing the National Anthem. Unfortunately, they stubbornly refused. This is a matter of serious concern. Unable to partake in such blatant disregard for the Constitution and the National Anthem, I left the Assembly with deep sorrow.”