For over three weeks, more than 5,000 residents of Soraha village in the Budaun district of Uttar Pradesh have been left without electricity amidst harsh winter conditions due to the theft of a 250 kVA transformer. Villagers discovered the transformer missing on December 14 during their usual walks, having been stripped of all valuable components, including copper wires and oil, and discarded beneath straw in nearby fields. As of now, no replacement has been provided to restore power to the area.
The village head, Satpal Singh, expressed concern over the impact of the power outage on students’ studies, particularly with the Uttar Pradesh board exams approaching next month. He highlighted that the lack of electricity has rendered inverters and mobile phones ineffective, and submersible pumps for water supply are also non-operational. Residents have repeatedly contacted both the electricity department and local officials in hopes of a prompt resolution.
Executive engineer Narendra Chaudhary mentioned that the department has made arrangements for a temporary power supply from a nearby village to alleviate the situation. He noted that transformer thefts often spike during the winter months, prompting the request for increased police patrolling. Chaudhary confirmed that a report has been filed and expressed hope that the police would resolve the case soon.
However, many villagers dispute the claim of a temporary power supply, asserting that they have been living in darkness since the theft. Resident Pramod Gupta criticized the electricity department for providing false information, insisting that power has not yet been restored.
Ughaiti SHO Kamlesh Kumar Mishra reported that the electricity department notified them about the theft on December 14, and an FIR has been lodged against unknown suspects. The investigation is ongoing, with leads being gathered through mobile phone activity and CCTV footage analysis. Given the nature of the theft, which involved a live electrical line, investigators suspect possible insider involvement, but they remain optimistic about resolving the case promptly.