Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin recently inaugurated the test drive of Mahindra’s electric SUV, which has been designed and developed in Tamil Nadu. These vehicles will be available for test rides starting January 14, as announced by a company official at the Secretariat.
In a statement shared on social media platform X, Stalin remarked, “Tamil Nadu is the primary destination for investors and is leading the charge in e-mobility through its exceptional talent and innovation.”
Industries Minister TRB Rajaa also highlighted that these “world-class electric vehicles, designed, developed, and tested in Tamil Nadu for India and beyond,” underscore the state’s unparalleled manufacturing and research and development capabilities.
The Chief Minister launched the Mahindra XEV 9E and BE 6 electric vehicles, which have received positive feedback and shown strong market interest. As Tamil Nadu continues to hold its status as the automotive and electric vehicle manufacturing hub of India, products like these demonstrate the state’s emergence as a global center for research and development across various sectors, including automotive, electronics, non-leather footwear, and heavy machinery engineering, among others.