LUCKNOW: The UP Special Task Force (STF) apprehended the key figure behind a cyber fraud syndicate focused on ‘digital arrest’ schemes at IGI Airport in New Delhi on Sunday. The suspect has been identified as Suresh Kumar Sain, 43, who is a school dropout from Rajasthan. He had fled to Cambodia following numerous scams across India, including ‘digital arrest’ frauds.
According to Vishal Vikram Singh, additional SP of STF, Suresh established a network of criminals who posed as officials from the CBI, Narcotics Bureau, and Crime Branch to trick victims into believing they were under investigation. By employing intimidation and deceit, the syndicate extorted money from their victims, the official stated.
The STF recovered various items from Suresh, including Cambodian employment cards, SIM cards, an ABA Bank ATM card, and $160 in cash.