Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, during a visit to the DRDO Headquarters in New Delhi on Thursday, proposed that the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) engage start-ups in its research and development initiatives. He charged each DRDO lab with the task of identifying 2-3 critical projects to be completed within the year.
Singh expressed a goal of completing 100 innovative projects by the next foundation year. His visit coincided with the 67th Foundation Day of the organization, where he interacted with senior scientists and officials. Minister of State for Defence, Sanjay Seth, was also present at the meeting.
The Defence Minister emphasized the importance of collaborating with start-ups, stating this approach would facilitate a valuable exchange of ideas and foster the development of advanced technologies in the Indian defence sector, aligning with the demands of modern times. He recommended that each lab conduct two open days each month to promote engagement with industry stakeholders, according to a statement from the Ministry of Defence.
Furthermore, Singh encouraged DRDO laboratories to raise awareness about their projects and inspire the youth to engage in nation-building activities. He proposed that DRDO act as a catalyst for collaboration with other organizations, academia, and industry, aiming to create an ecosystem that encompasses both defence and dual-use technologies, subsequently leading to significant advancements for civilian applications.
Highlighting the declaration of 2025 as the ‘Year of Reforms,’ Singh urged DRDO to play a vital role in fulfilling the goals outlined for that year while keeping pace with the rapidly changing technological landscape. He praised DRDO’s efforts to enhance collaboration with the private sector, including the sharing of technologies and unrestricted access to its patents.
Singh suggested that DRDO should identify additional areas to boost private sector involvement. During the meeting, DRDO Chairman Dr. Samir V. Kamat provided Singh with updates on the current R&D activities and accomplishments of DRDO in 2024, as well as the organization’s roadmap for 2025.
Kamat reported that nearly 1,950 Transfers of Technology (ToT) involving DRDO-developed systems have been successfully transferred to Indian industries, with 256 licensing agreements for ToTs signed in 2024 alone. He also noted that the previous year saw the selection of over 19 Development cum Production Partners and Production Agencies for Mission Mode projects. Additionally, DRDO’s testing facilities have been made available to industries, with upwards of 18,000 tests conducted for private industries and Defence Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs) over the last three years, including more than 5,000 conducted in 2024 alone.
On this occasion, Rajnath Singh also honored the design team responsible for the Long Range Hypersonic Anti-Ship Missile.