Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the Election Commission during his monthly broadcast of Mann ki Baat on Sunday, highlighting its effective use of technology to enhance citizens’ empowerment and its commitment to ensuring a transparent electoral process. His remarks coincided with the upcoming National Voters’ Day on January 25, a day observed in honor of the Election Commission’s foundation, amidst ongoing criticism from opposition parties regarding its perceived favoritism towards the BJP.
Modi emphasized that the Election Commission has continually modernized and fortified the electoral process. “The use of technology has reinforced the power of the people,” he stated, encouraging widespread public participation in elections as a vital aspect of democracy.
In light of growing concerns among opposition parties regarding the reliability of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs), Modi’s comments can be interpreted as an endorsement of these voting systems. He also reflected on the doubts expressed about India’s ability to function as a democracy after gaining independence. However, he asserted that India has since proven those doubts unfounded, affirming, “India is the mother of democracy.”
The broadcast was held on the third Sunday of this month, deviating from the usual schedule, as the next Sunday coincides with Republic Day. Modi included audio snippets from notable members of India’s constituent assembly, including its chairman Rajendra Prasad, B.R. Ambedkar, and Syama Prasad Mookerjee, to emphasize the principles they championed. Ambedkar called for collective action for the common good, while Prasad underscored India’s dedication to humanistic values.
“We should draw inspiration from these leaders to create an India that would make our Constitution’s framers proud,” Modi remarked. He pointed out that Republic Day will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Constitution’s implementation.
Additionally, Modi spoke about the ongoing Maha Kumbh festival in Prayagraj, noting the unity among diverse castes and regions, free from any form of discrimination. He observed a significant involvement of youth in this monumental gathering, emphasizing that such participation would strengthen India’s civilizational roots and secure a prosperous future. He expressed pride in the global recognition of this event, which he stated is a source of honor for all Indians.