Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to preside over the final day of the fourth National Conference of Chief Secretaries in New Delhi on Sunday. This three-day event, scheduled from December 13 to 15, 2024, aims to foster the development and execution of a unified growth agenda and framework for collaborative efforts alongside state governments.
This initiative marks a significant advancement in strengthening the partnership between the central and state governments, as highlighted in an official statement. The conference will establish a foundation for cooperative actions designed to leverage India’s demographic advantage by encouraging entrepreneurship, enhancing skill development initiatives, and generating sustainable employment opportunities for both rural and urban communities.
The fourth National Conference, building on comprehensive discussions involving central ministries, NITI Aayog, states and union territories (UTs), and industry experts, will center around the theme: “Promoting Entrepreneurship, Employment, and Skilling – Leveraging the Demographic Dividend.” It will showcase best practices and strategies for states and UTs to adopt.
The announcement outlined a particular focus on six key sectors: manufacturing, services, rural non-farming, urban development, renewable energy, and circular economy, all of which will feature in detailed discussions. Additionally, four specialized sessions will be conducted on topics such as Frontier Technology for a Developed India, Developing Cities as Economic Growth Hubs, Economic Reforms in States for Attracting Investments, and Capacity Building via Mission Karmayogi.
Moreover, discussions during meal sessions will concentrate on self-reliance in agriculture with a focus on edible oils and pulses, addressing needs in the care economy for the ageing population, the implementation of the PM Surya Ghar: Free Electricity Scheme, and promoting traditional Indian knowledge systems. States and UTs will also share exemplary practices related to each theme to facilitate cross-learning.
Attendance at the conference will include Chief Secretaries, senior officials from all states and UTs, and domain experts. The Conference of Chief Secretaries reflects the Prime Minister’s vision for enhancing cooperative federalism and improving coordination between the central and state governments to accelerate economic growth and overall development.
This annual conference has been conducted for the past three years, with the inaugural gathering taking place in June 2022 in Dharamshala, followed by the second and third conferences in January 2023 and December 2023, both held in New Delhi.