The National Students’ Union of India (NSUI) recently sent a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi requesting that the newly inaugurated college named after Veer Savarkar at Delhi University be renamed in honor of the late Dr. Manmohan Singh, former Prime Minister of India. Dr. Singh, who passed away at the age of 92 on December 26, has left a significant legacy in the nation.
In their letter, the NSUI emphasized that naming the college after Dr. Singh would serve as a fitting tribute to his contributions and enduring impact on the country’s education system and economy. They highlighted Dr. Singh’s vital role in establishing prestigious institutions such as IITs, IIMs, and AIIMS, as well as his efforts in creating central universities.
The NSUI put forth three specific demands in the letter:
1. Establish a world-class college under the University of Delhi in honor of Dr. Manmohan Singh.
2. Create a Central University named after him.
3. Incorporate aspects of his life experience—from his early days as a student post-partition to becoming a global leader—into academic curricula and the political discourse.
Varun Choudhary, the NSUI National President, remarked that this recognition would not only honor Dr. Singh’s academic journey but also his significant contributions to the nation as a whole.
This request comes just a day before Prime Minister Modi is set to inaugurate Veer Savarkar College in Najafgarh and lay the foundation for new campuses of Delhi University in East and West Delhi, as announced by Vice Chancellor Yogesh Singh.