West Bengal’s political climate intensified on Thursday over allegations of infiltration from Bangladesh. Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee claimed that the Border Security Force (BSF) is facilitating the entry of infiltrators, while Opposition Leader Suvendu Adhikari accused her government of obstructing land acquisition necessary for the construction of BSF outposts along the Indo-Bangladesh border.
During a significant administrative review meeting, Banerjee accused the BSF of allowing infiltrations from Bangladesh as part of a “blueprint” devised by the Central government aimed at destabilizing West Bengal.
“The BSF is enabling the entry of infiltrators. Reports indicate that individuals are crossing into Bengal through areas like Islampur, Sitai, and Chopra. The border security is the responsibility of the BSF, and they are allowing these breaches. This is a deliberate effort to disrupt my state and tarnish the image of the Trinamool Congress,” asserted the Chief Minister.
She further remarked, “Illegal crossings by miscreants are occurring, and the BSF is complicit in this. If we observe any attempt to incite terror in Bengal and disturb peace, we will take a stand against it.”
In response, Suvendu Adhikari criticized Banerjee for the lack of urgency regarding the land acquisition process needed for establishing BSF posts along the border.
“It is critical to stop the delays by the State government concerning land allocation for BSF outposts to enhance border security,” he emphasized. “Border fencing is essential to combat infiltration. However, fencing is absent along nearly 600 km of the border. The state must provide land for 17 BSF outposts and also for 11 additional BSF camps,” Adhikari stated to reporters.
He also called for improved coordination between the police and the BSF. “In 2023, Central government agencies apprehended around 1,500 intruders, with approximately 1,400 of them being released on bail. Last year, the BSF detained 1,000 individuals from Bangladesh, and nearly 900 were released.”
This escalation in rhetoric comes on the heels of recent arrests of suspected terrorists in West Bengal. The ruling Trinamool Congress and the opposition BJP are currently engaged in a heated exchange of accusations. The TMC attributes the infiltration of terrorists to the central authorities, while the BJP blames the state government for allegedly transforming West Bengal into a “safe haven” for such individuals.