Katra, the base camp for the Vaishno Devi temple in Jammu, experienced a return to normalcy after a week-long shutdown. The situation improved following the release of 18 protesters by the government late on Tuesday and the suspension of the proposed ropeway project until the protesters’ concerns are addressed.
On the first day of the new year, the vibrant atmosphere of Katra was restored, with many pilgrims seen queuing at entry points in both Katra and Bhawan. Divisional Commissioner Ramesh Kumar noted that all shops, restaurants, and businesses had reopened, and traffic flow had resumed, providing much-needed relief to visitors.
The shrine board had recently announced plans to construct a ropeway to enhance access to the temple for the elderly, children, and others who may struggle with the 13-kilometer hike to the cave temple. However, local traders and members of the Sangharsh Samiti expressed their concerns about the project, fearing that it could jeopardize their livelihoods. In response, Ramesh Kumar and Additional Director General of Police Anand Jain met with representatives of the Sangharsh Samiti to discuss an agreeable resolution to the objections raised.