The Karnataka government has announced a 15% increase in bus fares for its four state-run transport corporations, set to take effect on January 5. H.K. Patil, the Minister for Law and Parliamentary Affairs, attributed this decision to escalating operational costs.
This fare hike is projected to boost monthly revenue by approximately ₹74.85 crore for the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC), Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC), North West Karnataka Road Transport Corporation (NWKRTC), and Kalyana Karnataka Road Transport Corporation (KKRTC).
Patil emphasized the necessity of this fare revision, pointing out that BMTC last adjusted its fares in 2015 when diesel prices were ₹60.90 per liter. He highlighted that the daily diesel expense for these corporations has risen from ₹9.16 crore to ₹13.2 crore. Additionally, he noted that the monthly salary costs for staff have jumped from ₹12.95 crore to ₹18.36 crore.
He further assured that the ‘Shakti’ scheme, which permits free travel for women on non-AC state-owned buses, will not be impacted by this fare increase. Patil also mentioned that, despite the hike, Karnataka’s bus fares remain lower than those in neighboring states such as Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Maharashtra.