Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to inaugurate the newly formed Jammu Railway Division on January 6. In preparation for this event, railway authorities will conduct a special inspection train run between Jammu and Srinagar on Sunday, marking a significant development for the region of Jammu and Kashmir.
Railway officials have confirmed that the Prime Minister will formally inaugurate the Jammu Railway Division via a virtual ceremony. This newly established division encompasses five key sections: Bhogpur Sirwal-Pathankot, Batala-Pathankot, Pathankot-Joginder Nagar, Pathankot-Jammu-Marty Captain Tushar Mahajan Udhampur Railway Station, and Srinagar-Baramulla. Altogether, these sections will cover a total distance of 742.1 kilometers. Prior to this establishment, Jammu was part of the Ferozpur division within the Northern Railway zone.
In 2014, the Railway Ministry announced the creation of three additional divisions, including Jammu, as well as Gulberga in Karnataka and Silchar in Assam. However, it took railway authorities five years to convene a committee to evaluate the feasibility and financial implications of these divisions.
A railway official noted that the Union Minister will be inspecting the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL) section. According to this official, a special inspection train will depart from Udhampur on January 5, and the Commissioner of Railway Safety will conduct a safety inspection of the Katra-Reasi section on January 7 and 8.
The USBRL project, which spans 272 kilometers, was sanctioned back in 1994-1995 with an estimated budget of Rs 37,012 crore. However, progress on the project has been hampered by various challenges, including the region’s uncertain situation and difficult geological and topographical conditions.
The USBRL project features 38 tunnels, including the T-39 tunnel, which is recognized as the longest tunnel in India, extending 12.75 kilometers.
Prithvi Raj Gupta, former general secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Jammu, expressed strong support for the establishment of the Jammu Railway Division. He emphasized that this long-standing demand of the Jammu community will bring significant benefits to the region. Gupta also urged the government to develop the area in a way that promotes longer tourist stays in Jammu.