India has faced increased internet censorship during the Lok Sabha elections of 2024, according to data from Top10VPN’s Cost of Internet Shutdown Tracker. The report highlighted India as the most affected country in terms of election-related internet interference and placed it fourth globally for the total economic impact of internet shutdowns over the past year, estimating the cost at $236.7 million. The overall financial toll of internet restrictions in 2023 was reported at $585.4 million.
The live tracking website noted that while many instances of internet censorship were too focused to be included in their financial analysis, significant internet shutdowns around election periods accounted for approximately $358.3 million in losses so far.
Only India and Taiwan were identified as nations that imposed restrictions on election-related content across social media platforms. The censorship monitoring organization Access Now remarked that India continues to hold its unfortunate status as the world’s leading violator of internet shutdowns. They reported disruptions in internet services in Saran district, Bihar, during the general elections. Additionally, in Jammu and Kashmir, Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code was implemented, banning VPN usage in the Rajouri district for an entire month leading up to the elections.
Data from the digital advocacy group’s internet shutdown tracker indicated that there were 60 documented internet shutdowns by the end of 2024. While reactive shutdowns rose from 14 incidents in 2023 to 27 incidents in 2024, preventive shutdowns saw a decline from 81 incidents in the previous year to 33 in 2024.
In response to these governmental actions, Rajya Sabha MP Golla Baburao inquired whether a study had been performed to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of internet shutdowns for public safety. The Ministry of Communications clarified that no such study has been conducted.
Minister of State for Communications Chandra S. Pemmasani stated, “The benefits of the internet for citizens must be weighed against the need to prevent misuse by anti-social elements, which sometimes necessitates temporary suspension of services as outlined in the Telecommunications (Temporary Suspension of Services) Rules, 2024. Before issuing a suspension order, the competent authority must seek all reasonable alternatives to address public emergencies and safety concerns. If a suspension is deemed critical, the order should specify the reasons, geographical scope, and duration.”
In a discussion on the State of the Economy podcast last year, Anirudh Tagat, a Research Author in the Department of Economics at Monk Prayogshala, highlighted the adverse effects of internet shutdowns on businesses, especially startups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). He emphasized that such shutdowns hinder online sales, customer engagement, and essential business operations.