Pune Incident: BPO Employee Murdered by Colleague in Office Parking Lot
A tragic incident occurred in Pune when a 25-year-old BPO employee, Shubhada Kodare, was brutally murdered by her colleague, 27-year-old Krishna Satyanarayan Kanojia, using a cleaver. The attack took place in the parking lot of their office, with approximately two dozen bystanders failing to intervene during the assault.
The motive behind the attack appears to be related to a personal dispute over money. Kanojia had lent Shubhada a total of Rs 4 lakh over several transactions to assist with her father’s medical treatment. However, after visiting her father and discovering there were no health issues, Kanojia demanded repayment but was met with excuses and hostility from Shubhada, who even filed a non-cognisable offense against him three months prior.
According to police officials, Kanojia was frustrated with Shubhada’s evasive behavior regarding repayment. It was reported that he planned the attack, which escalated into a fatal encounter. In the aftermath, Kanojia was apprehended by law enforcement. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.
Heartbreaking video footage from the scene displaying the chilling reality of the attack has surfaced online, showcasing the victim’s tragic demise as she fell to the ground, surrounded by blood. Despite the alarming situation, onlookers action was limited until Kanojia discarded the weapon.
This incident raises critical questions about workplace safety and the importance of taking decisive action when witnessing acts of violence.