The West Bengal government has filed an appeal in the Calcutta High Court, contesting a local court’s decision to sentence Sanjay Roy to life imprisonment in the rape-murder case involving a junior doctor at RG Kar Hospital. In addition, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has also stepped in, seeking the death penalty for Roy, citing legal advice indicating that this case could be classified as one of the “rarest of rare” types, which warrants capital punishment.
On Monday, the Additional District and Sessions Court in Sealdah sentenced Roy to life imprisonment following his conviction for the brutal assault and murder of the 31-year-old doctor. Roy, who was serving as a civic volunteer for the Kolkata Police at the hospital, was found guilty after being arrested on August 10, 2024.
In delivering the sentence, Judge Anirban Das stated that the severity of the crime did not meet the criteria to be classified as “rarest of the rare,” which led to the decision not to impose the death penalty. The CBI is now advocating for the death penalty, while Roy’s legal representative has asked for a lesser sentence instead. Judge Das remarked, “You will be in prison until your last day,” as he announced the verdict.
In response, the West Bengal government, under Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, has sought to challenge the Sealdah court’s ruling, calling for the death penalty for Roy. However, the CBI has contested the state’s right to appeal, arguing that as the prosecuting body, it alone has the authority to appeal based on the inadequacy of the sentence.
During the proceedings, Deputy Solicitor General Rajdeep Majumdar represented the CBI, asserting that the state did not have the right to bring an appeal against the trial court’s decision. He pointed out that the CBI had previously requested capital punishment for Roy when presenting their case to the trial court.
The High Court has announced that it will listen to arguments from the CBI, the victim’s family, and Roy’s defense before making a determination regarding the West Bengal government’s appeal. The next hearing is scheduled for January 27.