Bihar’s Chief Secretary, Amrit Lal Meena, assured investors of comprehensive support from the state government for establishing industries during the recent CEO roundtable at the ‘Bihar Business Connect 2024’ Summit, which concluded on Friday.
The state administration is offering fiscal incentives and implementing a single-window clearance system for businesses investing in Bihar. During discussions with chief executives from leading Indian companies, Meena stated, “We guarantee investors that the Bihar government is fully dedicated to providing all necessary assistance to facilitate their ventures. We are prepared to address specific requirements to ensure a smooth and productive investment experience.”
He also announced initiatives aimed at promoting female workforce participation, including provisions for double shifts for women. Furthermore, a grievance redressal system is being developed to promptly resolve any issues faced by investors. Highlighting the ongoing infrastructure development in the state, Development Commissioner Pratyaya Amrit noted, “The rapid advancement of infrastructure in Bihar, along with improved electricity accessibility, has established a solid foundation for growth. We are committed to creating a collaborative environment by regularly engaging with investors to understand their needs and ensure the success of their endeavors in the state.”
Prominent companies expressed their commitment to significant investments and shared ambitious plans at the Bihar Business Connect 2024 summit. The Adani Group, Sun Petrochemicals, and several other enterprises, both large and small, pledged to invest a total of ₹1.81 lakh crore across various sectors, including renewable energy, cement, food processing, and manufacturing. Key agreements signed include ₹7,046 crore with Bharat Petroleum, ₹1,500 crore with Umedh City, ₹1,296 crore with Avam Beverages, ₹1,000 crore with Surya International, ₹759 crore with Birla Corporation, ₹512 crore with JK Cement, and ₹500 crore with HPCL, among others.