Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah inaugurated the Bharatpol portal on Tuesday, a real-time communication platform developed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). This portal aims to enhance collaboration among state police and other agencies, facilitating quicker responses to international requests for data sharing and action against criminals.
Inspired by the concept used by Interpol, Bharatpol connects Indian law enforcement with global cooperation networks addressing criminal activities. At the launch event held at Bharat Mandapam in the national capital, Shah outlined the portal’s five essential modules: Connect, Interpol Notices, References, Broadcast, and Resources, all designed to support law enforcement operations across the country.
The Connect module enables Indian agencies to function as extensions of Interpol’s National Central Bureau (NCB-New Delhi). This system allows for the rapid, secure, and organized transmission of requests for Interpol notices, establishing an efficient mechanism for tracking down criminals both within India and abroad.
Shah emphasized that with references available from 195 countries, seeking and providing international support for investigations will become significantly easier. The Broadcast module will grant immediate access to assistance requests from these countries, while the Resources module is designed to promote the sharing and management of documents and initiatives for capacity building among law enforcement professionals.
One of the portal’s standout features is its real-time interface, which aims to improve communication between agencies and enhance crime control efforts. It will accelerate responses to both domestic and international requests for real-time data sharing, including the issuance of red corner notices and other alerts through a global network.
The minister remarked that criminals who have historically committed offenses in India and subsequently fled overseas have often escaped the reach of Indian law. However, advancements like Bharatpol are designed to bring such offenders to justice.
In addition to the portal launch, Shah awarded police medals to 35 distinguished CBI officers, recognizing their exceptional service with the President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service and the Home Minister’s Medal for Excellence in Investigation.