Akvo Atmospheric Water Systems Pvt Ltd has officially launched its Water-on-Want (WoW) initiative for businesses in Tamil Nadu. This innovative model operates on an operational expenditure (OPEX) basis under a Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT) contract, allowing corporations to access Akvo’s advanced water generation technology without any upfront capital expenditure (CAPEX).
The WoW initiative has been refined and optimized following an 18-month pilot phase, ensuring that companies can sustainably fulfill their daily water requirements in a cost-effective and risk-free manner, all without incurring the hefty costs typically associated with infrastructure investments.
The minimum water supply commitment is set at 500 litres per day (LPD), positioning Akvo as a leader in revolutionizing the sourcing and utilization of water within the corporate sector.
With the OPEX BOOT model, clients do not purchase the equipment but instead pay a variable fee based on their water consumption at a competitive per-litre price. Akvo will own, install, maintain, and operate the Atmospheric Water Generators (AWGs) for the entire duration of the contract, ensuring a seamless and risk-free solution for clients.