In a disturbing incident in Pathanamthitta district, Kerala, local police arrested an additional 14 individuals, aged between 18 and 25, in connection with the rape and sexual abuse of a Dalit girl. This brings the total number of suspects in custody to 42.
The young woman, who recently turned 18, has alleged that she faced sexual violence from nearly 60 individuals since she was just 13 years old. Following her testimony, 29 separate cases have been filed across various police stations in the district. Authorities suspect that one of the accused may have fled abroad, prompting the police to consider issuing a lookout notice for him.
The survivor disclosed that she endured gang rape on multiple occasions, including at the Pathanamthitta General Hospital and other locations in the town. District police chief VG Vinodkumar announced that a thorough investigation is underway, which includes the examination of mobile phones belonging to the suspects and the survivor, alongside other pertinent evidence.
Among those detained on Monday are Amal, Adarsh, Akash, Sivakumar, Umesh, Sreeju, Aji, Aswin, Sajin, Abhijith, Joji Mathew, Ambady, Aravind, and another Akash. A member of the child rights commission, S. Sunanda, has visited the survivor, who is currently residing in a shelter home in the district.