A tragic incident occurred in Kyiv, Ukraine as Russian drones targeted the city, resulting in one fatality and four injuries. The Ukrainian Air Force successfully intercepted and destroyed 60 out of 93 drones launched by Russia since the early hours of Friday.
The Russian forces have intensified their aerial attacks in various regions of Ukraine, with a recent drone attack on central Kyiv on New Year’s Day claiming two lives. In the latest attack, a truck driver was killed by debris from the drones, which also caused injuries to four other individuals, including a 16-year-old boy.
The Ukrainian Air Force reported that 26 Russian drones were “lost” due to Ukraine’s electronic warfare capabilities. The drones targeted nine different regions across the country, causing damage to residential and commercial buildings in Donetsk and Chernihiv.
A retaliatory strike was carried out by the Ukrainian military on a Russian command post in Maryino, Kursk region. The Russian military claimed to have downed four Ukrainian missiles in the area, with reports of damage to a high-rise apartment block and other buildings in a nearby village.
The situation remains tense as both sides continue to engage in military actions, posing a threat to civilians in various parts of Ukraine.