Bollywood actor Vikrant Massey surprised his fans with a shocking announcement on social media, stating that he will be retiring from acting at the age of 37. In an Instagram post, he shared that his final two films are set to release in 2025, after which he plans to “return home” to focus on his roles as a husband, father, and son.
Vikrant Massey is currently working on two films, “Yaar Jigri” and “Aankhon Ki Gustaakhiyan.” His recent film, “The Sabarmati Report,” which revolves around the Godhra incident and the riots in Gujarat in 2002, received mixed reactions. Despite the controversies surrounding the film, it was appreciated by prominent leaders like Prime Minister Narendra Modi and others. In the movie, Massey played a journalist uncovering the truth behind the incident.
Starting his career with television shows like “Dhoom Machao Dhoom” and “Balika Vadhu,” Vikrant Massey made his mark in Bollywood with films like “Lootera” and “A Death in the Gunj.” He has showcased his versatility in movies like “Ginny Weds Sunny,” “Haseen Dilruba,” and “Love Hostel,” solidifying his position as a talented actor in the Indian film industry.