At the trailer launch event of her upcoming film “Do Patti,” Bollywood actor Kajol gave a hilarious response when asked about the popular character Singham, played by her husband Ajay Devgn. Kajol, who will be seen in the role of a police officer in the film, jokingly pointed at herself and said, “I have said on every stage that the real Singham is…” Her statement was met with thunderous applause from the media and the cast of Do Patti, including Kriti Sanon and Shaheer Sheikh.
Kriti Sanon, who plays twin sisters in the film, was praised by Kajol for her growth as an actress. Kajol mentioned how enjoyable it was to work with Kriti, highlighting her progress since their last collaboration in “Dilwale.” The film also marks TV actor Shaheer Sheikh’s debut in movies and is set to release on Netflix on October 25, 2024.