Sujoy Ghosh, the acclaimed filmmaker, is currently in talks with Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor for an upcoming thriller project. The collaboration between the two was initially planned for 2021 but had to be postponed due to scheduling conflicts. Now, they are revisiting the idea and are aiming to start production in 2025.
Reports suggest that Ghosh has already completed the script for the thriller film. While the details of the plot are being kept under wraps, it is expected to be a blend of mystery and drama, characteristic of Ghosh’s signature style.
Originally, Ghosh was set to direct the film “King” starring Shah Rukh Khan and Suhana Khan. However, with his exit from the project and Siddharth Anand taking over as director, Ghosh now has more time to focus on his collaboration with Shahid Kapoor. If the project materializes, it will mark the first on-screen partnership between Shahid Kapoor and Sujoy Ghosh. Fans are eagerly awaiting official confirmation and are excited to see Shahid in a thriller film, considering his aptitude for such roles.
Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project!