In the midst of the box office clash between Jigra and Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video, a celebrity feud erupted between filmmaker-turned-actors Karan Johar and Divya Khossla. A war of words ensued between filmmaker Divya Khosla and actor Karan Johar on the day of Jigra’s release. It all started when Divya called into question the authenticity of Jigra’s box office collection. Later, Jigra producer Karan Johar took to his Instagram account to dismiss such claims as baseless. One peculiar aspect of this social media spat is that neither party directly mentioned the other by name; instead, they posted cryptic images on their Instagram stories.
As the drama unfolded on social media, Twitter and Instagram users naturally took sides in the conflict. However, opinion seemed split on the matter. While some users sided with Karan Johar and reminded Divya that Jigra is not a copy of Savi, others supported Divya and criticized Karan and Alia. One comment read, “It’s karma time for Karan Johar and his nepo kid Alia. Kudos to Divya.” Another comment stated, “Divya needs to get a life and watch Jigra first. Her film Savi is nowhere close to Jigra.”
Divya recently shared a photo on Instagram of an empty movie theater, alleging that Alia’s film’s box office collection was fabricated. In response, Karan Johar posted a story on his official Instagram account, suggesting that staying silent is the best course of action when dealing with fools. Following Karan’s post, Divya shared a cryptic message of her own, insinuating that the truth riles up fools. She also hinted at plagiarism, saying, “When shamelessly others’ work is stolen and presented as one’s own, one should remain silent. Such people lack integrity and courage.”
The root of Divya’s discontent with the makers of Jigra stems from the similarities between the plot of her film Savi, released in May of this year, and Jigra, which also revolves around a jailbreak theme. Despite the similarities in theme, the narratives of both films are distinct. Since the trailer for Jigra was unveiled, Divya’s team has accused the creators of Alia Bhatt’s film of plagiarizing the script of Savi and passing it off as Jigra.
Overall, the social media feud between Karan Johar and Divya Khossla has captured the attention of netizens, with opinions divided on who is in the right. The controversy surrounding Jigra and Savi continues to fuel the ongoing battle between the two celebrity figures.