Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor recently graced the Red Sea International Film Festival 2024 in Jeddah, where he revealed details about his upcoming project ‘Ramayana Part-1’. Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, the film will see Ranbir portraying the iconic role of Lord Rama, while South actress Sai Pallavi will essay the character of Mata Sita.
Expressing his excitement about the project, Ranbir referred to ‘Ramayana’ as his ‘dream role’. The actor shared that working on the film has been a fulfilling experience, thanks to the passion and dedication of his childhood friend Namit Malhotra, who is producing the project. Ranbir emphasized that ‘Ramayana’ is a timeless story that resonates with audiences worldwide.
Furthermore, Ranbir disclosed that filming for ‘Ramayana Part-2’ will commence shortly after completing the first installment. He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to portray Lord Rama, stating that it has been a lifelong dream for him. The actor highlighted the thematic richness of the narrative, emphasizing that the film encapsulates the essence of Indian culture.
Scheduled for release in 2026, ‘Ramayana Part-1’ promises to be a cinematic spectacle, with a stellar cast that includes Yash as Ravan and Ravi Dubey making his film debut as Lakshman. The film has generated significant buzz on social media, with glimpses of Ranbir and Sai in their respective roles captivating fans eagerly awaiting the epic retelling of this classic tale.