Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt is all set for the release of her upcoming film Jigra, which is hitting theatres next Friday. The teaser and trailer of the film have generated a lot of excitement among the audience. Now, the makers have unveiled the second song from the movie titled “Tenu Sang Rakhna,” which showcases the love of a sister for her younger brother. In Jigra, Alia Bhatt portrays the role of an elder sister to Vedang Raina, known for his work in The Archies.
The latest song, “Tenu Sang Rakhna,” sung by Arijit Singh, Anumita Nadesan, and Achint Thakkar, has deep and poignant lyrics penned by Varun Grover, the writer of the acclaimed film Masaan and a renowned stand-up comedian. This song follows the release of the first track, “Chal Kudiye,” which featured a duet by Diljit Dosanjh and Alia Bhatt.
Directed by Vasan Bala, Jigra also stars Vedang Raina and is set to hit the screens on October 11. The film revolves around Alia’s character, who goes to great lengths to secure her brother’s release from prison. Produced by Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta, and others, Jigra will clash at the box office with the Rajkummar Rao and Triptii Dimri starrer, Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Walla Video.
Experience the emotions and depth of “Tenu Sang Rakhna” by watching the song above. Make sure to catch Jigra in theatres to witness this compelling tale unfold on the big screen.