The Indian Motion Picture Producers Association (IMPA) attempted to hold a film program on a yacht similar to the Cannes Film Festival near the Kala Academy in Goa, which turned into chaos. During the trailer launch of director Atul Garg’s film ‘Chola’ on this yacht, the Karni Sena strongly objected to the scenes showing the hero removing saffron clothes and burning them in fire. Actor Manoj Joshi also attended the event but left with his friends as the ruckus escalated.
Director Atul Garg’s film ‘Chola’ had been showcased at the film bazaar during the 55th International Film Festival in Goa. The trailer release was eagerly anticipated, as it was based on the life story of a professor with Indian and foreign actors. The program was scheduled on the IMPA yacht in the sea, and tickets were distributed well in advance.
The event started at 8 p.m. with the trailer launch of the film franchise ‘Kashmir’ by Atul Garg, followed by an acknowledgment of actor Hemant Pandey. Subsequently, the trailer of ‘Chola’ was screened, and when the audience was asked for feedback, Karni Sena leader Surjeet Singh Rathore demanded a replay. This led Rathore and another visitor, Rajesh Jain, to object to scenes of burning saffron clothes and religious garlands in the trailer, threatening to halt the release unless these scenes were removed.
Atul Garg tried to reason with Karni Sena, explaining that the full film would provide context. Actor Hemant Pandey also opposed the objections. The ensuing chaos prompted the actors and visitors to leave the yacht abruptly. The film portrays a young professor seeking spiritual peace in a baba’s ashram, ultimately realizing that inner strength, not outward symbols like saffron robes, is key to peace.
According to Garg, the film’s message is that spiritual peace and simplicity do not require renunciation or becoming a hermit. It was revealed that Surjeet was invited by the director to the event. Manoj Joshi’s departure led many others to leave as well.
In another development, the Maharashtra excise department revoked a liquor permit for a Pune concert featuring Diljit Dosanjh due to ongoing concerns about alcohol consumption at his events.