Ajay Devgn and Rohit Shetty are all set to bring back the beloved comedy franchise, Golmaal, with the upcoming release of Golmaal 5. Known for their successful collaborations in the cop universe with Singham 3, the director-actor duo is now focusing on bringing back the light-hearted and entertaining world of Golmaal to the audience.
In a recent interview, Rohit Shetty shared his excitement about returning to the Golmaal series before delving back into the cop-action genre. He mentioned that Golmaal 5 will be their next project before any new cop film, emphasizing the film’s cheerful and fun nature. Fans can expect Golmaal 5 to hit the screens by the end of 2025 or early 2026.
When asked about transitioning from action-packed films to comedy, both Rohit Shetty and Ajay Devgn expressed that it is not challenging for them. Ajay explained that he easily switches from his character during action sequences to being himself after the cut. The Golmaal series, featuring a talented cast including Ajay Devgn, Arshad Warsi, and Kareena Kapoor Khan, has been entertaining audiences since its inception in 2006. With successful installments like Golmaal Returns, Golmaal 3, and Golmaal Again, fans can expect another dose of hilarious comedy with Golmaal 5.
The anticipation for Golmaal 5 is high as Rohit Shetty and Ajay Devgn gear up to deliver yet another blockbuster in the popular franchise. The film is expected to bring back the familiar faces and laughter that audiences have come to love and enjoy.