In 2024, Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn had a busy year with a number of film releases. He started the year with the supernatural horror thriller film ‘Shaitaan’ alongside R Madhavan and ended it with Rohit Shetty’s ‘Singham Again’. Now, his fans are eagerly awaiting his upcoming film ‘Raid 2’, which has finally been given a release date.
The sequel to ‘Raid’ will continue the story of Indian Revenue Service officer Amay Patnaik, played by Ajay Devgn. Directed by Rajkumar Gupta, the film was initially set to release on February 25, 2025, but the release date has now been pushed to May 1, 2025. Ajay Devgn shared the new release date on his Instagram account along with a new poster for the film.
The first part of ‘Raid’ was released in 2018 and was a critical and commercial success, grossing 153.62 crores at the box office against a budget of 40 crores. In the sequel, Vaani Kapoor will star alongside Ajay Devgn, taking over from Ileana D’Cruz who starred in the first film. The cast also includes actors like Ritesh Deshmukh, Saurabh Shukla, and Ravi Teja.
Fans of Ajay Devgn can mark their calendars for May 1, 2025, when ‘Raid 2’ hits the theaters with its gripping story of income tax raids and the fearless IRS officer Amay Patnaik.