These Deodorants Are Fairly Average
Photo credit: Louryn Strampe
Kopari Performance Plus Deodorant for $19: This deodorant has a pleasant scent—imparting a floral, beachy coconut aroma. It’s more refreshing than sugary, and I would classify it as leaning towards unisex-feminine. It glides on clear and smoothly, leaving no stains on my clothing. However, I found that it didn’t hold up during a workout without needing a reapplication, unlike some other brands I’ve tried. It’s decent, but I wouldn’t label it a “performance deodorant.” If you prefer a clear formula and don’t mind applying it more than once, it could be worth a try.
Fur Ingrown Deodorant for $18: My experience with this deodorant is as intricate as my relationship with underarm hair. Sometimes, I don’t shave for weeks; sometimes I do so every few days. This deodorant includes ingredients like willow bark (to help prevent ingrown hairs) and niacinamide (to brighten the underarms). It effectively achieved both goals. However, it struggled to keep odor at bay throughout the day, and its earthy, green scent didn’t harmonize with my body chemistry. Some individuals may love it—reviews online are quite polarized—so I recommend testing its scent in-person before purchasing.
Curie Clean Deodorant (two-pack) for $28: This formula offers a nice fragrance when first applied, but it diminishes quickly after an hour or two. Additionally, it stained my clothing more than other products I evaluated. During my second trial, it caused some irritation, leading me to stop using it. I didn’t observe any notable difference in sweating compared to other types of natural deodorant. However, the brand offers a fantastic Detox Mask that aids in the transition to natural deodorant, which will be highlighted in a forthcoming guide.
Dove Aluminum-Free Deodorant for $11: Dove’s deodorant is mostly acceptable, and I appreciate its affordability. However, the texture is quite smooth and left my underarms feeling oddly sticky, even after drying. The fragrances are not potent or enduring enough for my tastes. They also tend to have a powdery note that wasn’t to my liking. I did notice some body odor partway through my testing period. Since this is subjective, your experience may differ. Additionally, the packaging arrived sealed with tape, which left behind a sticky residue that was hard to remove without rubbing alcohol.
Lume Whole Body Deodorant (three-pack) for $40: This rather expensive deodorant had an unappealing smell for me. I received the Invisible Cream formula in Minted Cucumber, which reminded me of pool chlorine and hand soap. I couldn’t bring myself to apply it. I also received the Clean Tangerine Smooth Solid formula, which had a slightly better initial scent but still carried a hand-soap note. It left white marks on my clothing and had an odd cheese-like scent once applied. I washed it off and concluded my testing. Reader, I care for you, but I’m not willing to smell like cheese all day just to find out if the fragrance transforms over time. Senior commerce editor Kat Merck also tried the Lavender Sage Invisible Cream and said it reminded her of laundry left too long in the washing machine—and that it made her smell worse than if she had worn nothing at all. Lume has devoted fans online, so this could boil down to personal taste. I recommend testing it out in-person before buying.