The prestigious IIM Lucknow recently concluded its summer placement process, securing a total of 576 offers for its post-graduate students. The average stipend offered to the students was ₹1.43 lakh per month, with a median monthly salary of ₹1,50,000.
The highest domestic monthly salary offered during the placement process was ₹3.95 lakhs per month, while international offers reached up to ₹1.75 lakh per month. To provide flexibility and convenience, IIM Lucknow opted for a hybrid placement model, offering both online and offline options to the students.
The summer placement process was specifically for the 40th batch of Post Graduate Programme (PGP) students and the 21st batch of Post Graduate Programme in Agribusiness Management (PGP-ABM) students. The batch consisted of 234 freshers and 342 students with significant prior work experience across various sectors.
Despite the successful placement process, some educational institutions, including IIMs, have faced challenges due to rising costs and infrastructure changes. However, reports indicate that the median salary at IIM Lucknow remains strong at ₹27 lakh for the current batch of 2022-24, showcasing consistent growth compared to previous batches.
Interestingly, campus placement reports from other IIMs show a slight dip in median compensation. For example, IIM Lucknow’s batch of 2024 received ₹27 lakh as median salary, slightly lower than the figures for 2023 and 2022.
In a separate development, IIM Ahmedabad is currently facing legal scrutiny as a student challenges the cancellation of his admission to the post-graduate programme on technical grounds. The Gujarat High Court has issued a notice to the college based on the student’s complaint, highlighting potential issues within the institution.