Gold rates in India have been fluctuating recently, with prices seeing a slight increase in the latest update. As of today, the prices for 1 gram of 22 carat gold stand at ₹7,230, up by ₹16 from the previous rate. Similarly, the prices for 1 gram of 24 carat gold are at ₹7,592, showing an increase of ₹15.
In Mumbai, the gold prices mirror those in India, with 1 gram of 22 carat gold priced at ₹7,230 and 24 carat gold priced at ₹7,592. The slight increase in prices indicates a positive trend in the gold market.
Moving on to Chennai, the prices for 1 gram of 22 carat gold are slightly lower at ₹7,150, with a ₹15 increase from the previous rate. The prices for 1 gram of 24 carat gold are at ₹7,508, showing a ₹16 increase.
Overall, gold prices seem to be on the rise in major cities like India, Mumbai, and Chennai. Investors and buyers should keep a close eye on the market trends to make informed decisions regarding their gold investments.