The Indian stock market is expected to open higher on Tuesday after closing at seven-month lows in the previous session. The GIFT Nifty futures indicate that the Nifty 50 will open above Monday’s close of 23,085.95. The rupee hit a fresh all-time low on Monday, while retail inflation eased to a four-month low in December.
HCLTech will be in focus after reporting a smaller-than-expected quarterly revenue, narrowing its full-year forecast. Other Asian markets also opened higher on Tuesday after experiencing a sharp fall in the previous session.
In terms of individual stocks to watch, brokerage Angel One posted slow profit growth, while Den Networks reported a drop in profit. Delta Corp posted a rise in profit for the December quarter, and Bharat Electronics won orders worth 5.61 billion rupees.
Overall, the market outlook seems positive for the day. Stay tuned for more updates on the market performance.