The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) recently announced tightened norms for SME IPOs and investment bankers in order to enhance transparency and protect investors. These new regulations aim to ensure the smooth functioning of the capital markets and promote ethical practices within the industry.
One of the key changes introduced by SEBI is the requirement for SME firms to have an operating profit of at least ₹1 crore from operations for any 2 out of 3 previous financial years in order to go public. This criterion is intended to ensure that only financially stable companies are able to raise capital through IPOs, reducing the risk for investors.
Additionally, SEBI has imposed restrictions on offer for sale (OFS) by selling shareholders in SME IPOs, limiting it to a maximum of 20% of the total issue size. This measure is aimed at preventing large shareholders from dumping their shares in the market immediately after the IPO, which could negatively impact the stock price.
In terms of merchant bankers, SEBI has introduced new categorizations based on net worth, with Category 1 bankers allowed to undertake all activities under SEBI’s purview, while Category 2 bankers are restricted from handling equity mainboard issues. This move is designed to ensure that only well-capitalized and reputable firms are entrusted with the responsibility of managing IPOs and other offerings.
Furthermore, SEBI has broadened the definition of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (UPSI) to include more material events, in order to prevent selective disclosure of information and insider trading. By expanding the scope of UPSI, SEBI aims to enhance corporate governance and protect the interests of all stakeholders.
Overall, these new regulations introduced by SEBI are aimed at creating a more transparent and accountable market environment, where all participants adhere to ethical standards and regulatory requirements. By enforcing stricter norms for SME IPOs and investment bankers, SEBI is paving the way for a more robust and investor-friendly capital market ecosystem in India.