Cosmea Financial Holdings, led by Sam Ghosh, has recently received approval from SEBI to enter the mutual fund business. This move comes after the group filed its application with SEBI in May, marking a significant milestone in their expansion plans.
The group is prepared to invest ₹200 crore in its asset management company, with a particular focus on Quant and Smart Beta strategies to meet the changing needs of investors. Additionally, Cosmea has secured a distribution agreement with WisdomTree, a prominent global ETF and ETP sponsor managing assets exceeding $100 billion.
Currently managing and advising assets worth ₹1,000 crore across various capital market businesses, including Broking and Distribution, Wealth Management, and Advisory services, Cosmea has been making strategic moves to enhance its presence in the industry. The recent acquisitions of a CAT III Alternate Investment Fund License and a Fund Management Entity License in GIFT City have positioned the group for further growth opportunities.
With ambitious goals to reach Assets Under Management of ₹15,000 crore within the next three years, Cosmea is leveraging its expertise in technology-driven growth strategies through its SuperApp, physical distribution network, and key partnerships. Sam Ghosh, the Founder and Chairman of Cosmea Financial Holdings, expressed his commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology and global partnerships to offer innovative wealth creation solutions, focusing on Quant and Smart Beta strategies.
Sam Ghosh, a former CEO of Reliance Capital, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to Cosmea Financial Holdings, positioning the group for success in the competitive mutual fund industry. With a strong emphasis on innovation, technology, and strategic partnerships, Cosmea is well-positioned to make a mark in the mutual fund sector and drive value for investors.