Mukesh Ambani, the billionaire chairman of Reliance Industries, has reportedly initiated the process for the initial public offering (IPO) of Reliance Jio Infocomm, the telecom arm of the company. Sources estimate that the IPO could be in the range of ₹35,000-40,000 crore, making it the largest IPO in India if it goes through as scheduled in the second half of the year.
The IPO will consist of an offer for sale component and a fresh issue with a pre-IPO placement. Preliminary talks have already begun for the pre-IPO placement, and bankers believe that there will be strong demand for the offering. The valuation of Reliance Jio is estimated to be around $120 billion, higher than previous brokerages’ estimates of $100 billion.
Reliance Jio, a subsidiary of Jio Platforms, has been making significant strides in the technology space, recently partnering with Nvidia to develop AI language models. The company’s focus on AI and technological advancements is expected to give it a competitive edge in the market. Additionally, Reliance Jio has obtained regulatory approval to launch satellite internet services, further expanding its reach in the digital space.
Despite facing some subscriber losses after raising tariffs in June last year, Reliance Jio remains the largest telecom operator in India with 460 million wireless subscribers as of October. The increase in tariffs led to a boost in profitability for the company, signaling its readiness to monetize its 5G services ahead of the IPO.
Overall, the IPO of Reliance Jio Infocomm is expected to be a significant event in the Indian market, showcasing the company’s leadership in the telecom and digital space and its strategic vision for future growth and innovation. Investors are likely to closely watch developments around the IPO as it progresses towards its listing.