NTPC Ltd, India’s largest power generator, reported a Q3 FY25 net profit of ₹4,711.4 crore, a 3.1 per cent increase from the previous year but slightly below market expectations. The company’s shares were trading at ₹321.70, down 0.60 per cent on the NSE at 12.12 PM on Monday.
Revenue for the quarter grew 4.8 per cent year-on-year to ₹41,352.3 crore. EBITDA also saw a significant jump of 20.3 per cent to ₹11,960.6 crore, with margins improving to 28.9 per cent from 25.2 per cent in the same quarter last year.
The company’s board approved a second interim dividend of ₹2.5 per share for FY25, with the record date set as January 31, 2025. The dividend is scheduled to be paid on February 18, 2025.
Operational performance showed improvement, with gross power generation increasing to 91.25 billion units from 89.46 billion units year-on-year. Coal production also rose substantially to 10.98 MMT from 8.09 MMT. The average tariff for the nine months ending December 2024 increased to ₹4.68 per unit from ₹4.57 in the corresponding period last year. The plant load factor for coal-based plants marginally improved to 75.98 per cent.
Overall, NTPC’s Q3 results indicate a positive trend in its financial performance and operational metrics, despite falling slightly short of market expectations.