Leo Dryfruits & Spices Trading recently made its debut on the BSE SME platform with its IPO listing. The company, which closed its ₹25.12 crore IPO on January 3, 2025, was oversubscribed 182 times, showcasing strong investor demand. The IPO’s upper price band was set at ₹52.
Leo Dryfruits & Spices Trading is engaged in the manufacturing and trading of spices and dry fruits under the ‘Vandu’ brand. The company operates a manufacturing unit in Thane, Maharashtra. The net proceeds from the IPO will be used to fund working capital requirements, branding, advertising, marketing, and general corporate purposes.
In terms of the IPO details, the price band was set at ₹51-52, and it closed oversubscribed 182 times. This signifies a high level of interest from investors in the company’s offering. The company’s focus on manufacturing and trading quality spices and dry fruits under a reputable brand like ‘Vandu’ has resonated well with the market.
Overall, Leo Dryfruits & Spices Trading’s successful IPO listing and strong investor response highlight the potential for growth and expansion in the company’s sector. With a well-defined strategy for utilizing the proceeds and a solid operational foundation, the company appears well-positioned for future success in the market.