The La Nina weather phenomenon is expected to emerge during January-March 2025, according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD). While the La Nina is projected to be relatively weak, it will still have implications for weather patterns across the country. The IMD forecasts below-normal rainfall during this period, with the northern region experiencing particularly low rainfall. In contrast, the southern peninsula is likely to receive above-normal rainfall.
The IMD Director-General also highlighted that there were 13 weather systems in 2024, slightly above the normal range. These weather systems included cyclonic storms, depressions, and land depressions. The impact of below-normal rainfall during January-March will be shared with the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare to assess the potential impact on crops.
In terms of temperatures, the IMD predicts above-normal minimum temperatures across the country during January-March, except in certain regions. Additionally, the maximum temperature in January is expected to be above normal in many parts of the country.
Overall, the weather outlook for January-March 2025 suggests a complex pattern of rainfall and temperatures that will have varied impacts on different regions. Stay tuned for further updates on this evolving weather situation.