Citichem India recently launched its IPO with a fixed price of ₹70 per share, raising a total of ₹12.60 crore. The IPO saw a record subscription of 414.35 times, indicating strong investor interest in the company.
Citichem India specializes in supplying organic and inorganic chemicals, bulk drugs, and food chemicals to the pharmaceutical industry. The company’s IPO is set to make its debut on the BSE SME platform today, January 3, 2025.
Key highlights of the Citichem India IPO include a minimum lot size of 2,000 shares and impressive subscription stats with Retail Individual Investors (RIIs) subscribing 543.18 times and Non-Institutional Investors (NIIs) subscribing 277.88 times.
Investors are closely watching the IPO listing to see how the stock performs in the market. Stay tuned for real-time updates on Citichem India share price movements, market trends, and listing performance to make informed investment decisions.