The Carraro India Limited IPO allotment status is eagerly awaited by investors, with the finalization expected today, December 26, 2024. The IPO, which closed on December 24, received a subscription of 1.12 times overall, with strong interest from Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) at 2.21 times subscription. The company had received bids for 1.46 crore shares against the 1.31 crore shares on offer, with retail and non-institutional investors showing moderate interest.
Carraro India Limited, a tier-1 supplier of axles, transmission systems, and gears for agricultural and construction vehicles, is set to list on both BSE and NSE on December 30, 2024. Operating as a technology-driven integrated supplier, the company develops complex engineering products for OEM customers.
Investors can check their IPO allotment status on the BSE website by selecting “Equity” under Issue Type, choosing Carraro India Limited, and entering their application number and PAN card details. While the shares are currently trading in the grey market around the upper price band of ₹704, it is important to note that grey market premiums may not accurately reflect the listing performance.
As the market eagerly anticipates the listing of Carraro India Limited, investors and stakeholders are keeping a close eye on the allotment status, grey market premium, likely listing price, and date. Stay tuned for more updates and insights on this highly anticipated IPO.