BR Goyal Infrastructure, a prominent road construction and EPC contractor, is set to raise ₹85 crore through an initial public offering (IPO) that opens for subscription on Tuesday. The company plans to issue 63.12 lakh fresh equity shares priced at ₹128-135 per share, with the proceeds being used for capital expenditure, working capital requirements, inorganic growth, and other strategic initiatives.
The IPO, which will see the equity shares listed on the BSE SME platform, aims to fund the company’s various projects worth ₹900 crore to be executed over the next three years. Beeline Capital Advisors is the book running lead manager for the offering, with Link Intime India acting as the Registrar to the issue.
Brij Kishore Goyal, Chairman & Managing Director of BR Goyal Infrastructure, highlighted the company’s track record of successfully completing projects in Madhya Pradesh and other states. Additionally, he mentioned that the company owns an extensive equipment fleet, reducing its dependency on external resources for project completion.
Goyal emphasized that the IPO funding will not only help the company address working capital challenges but also support acquisitions to drive future growth. Overall, the company is well-positioned to capitalize on the opportunities in the infrastructure sector and deliver value to its stakeholders.
In conclusion, BR Goyal Infrastructure’s IPO presents an opportunity for investors to participate in the growth story of a dynamic infrastructure player with a strong track record and a robust pipeline of projects. The company’s strategic focus on execution excellence and sustainable growth bodes well for its long-term prospects in the infrastructure sector.