The Tamil Nadu government implemented a significant reshuffle of its bureaucratic personnel on Friday. Darez Ahmed, who served as the Secretary in the Special Programme Implementation Department, will take over from Vishnu Venugopalan as the Managing Director of Guidance, the state’s investment promotion agency.
In additional changes, KP Karthikeyan, currently the Collector of Tirunelveli, has been appointed as the Managing Director of Elcot. Meanwhile, T Prabhushankar, the Collector from Tiruvallur, will step in as the Managing Director of the Metropolitan Transport Corporation.
Furthermore, D Baskar Pandian, the Collector of Tiruvannamalai, will now serve as the Project Director for both the Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project-II and the Chennai-Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor Project. He will also assume the role of Managing Director for the Tamil Nadu Road Development Company.