The Chief Minister of Bihar and leader of the Janata Dal (United), Nitish Kumar, who has frequently criticized his rivals for engaging in nepotism, may be preparing to bring his son, Nishant, into the political arena. According to sources familiar with the situation, it appears that Nishant Kumar is set to enter politics after the Holi festival as ‘he appears to be ready’.
“He looks prepared to step into the political realm. It’s just a matter of receiving the go-ahead from Nitish Kumar,” the Indian Express quoted insiders from the JDU. Reports indicate that Nitish Kumar is aware of the party workers’ calls for Nishant Kumar to make his political debut. His induction may occur following Holi.
In June 2024, Pram Hans Kumar, the General Secretary of JDU for the state, stated, “The current circumstances necessitate that Nishant Kumar, Nitish Kumar’s son, steps up for the benefit of the party and the state… While Nitish Kumar is against ‘dynasty politics,’ if a leader with a respectable reputation has a son willing to serve the country and state with integrity, what is wrong with that? Nishant Kumar is not driven by ambition… He should certainly enter the political field.”
Earlier in January, Nishant Kumar accompanied his father in Bakhtiyarpur for the unveiling of statues dedicated to freedom fighters. Later, he took the opportunity during a press interaction to encourage the public to support his father’s party in the forthcoming Assembly elections in Bihar.
“If possible, please vote for the JD(U) and my father, and bring him back,” he was quoted as saying when asked about his political aspirations; however, he refrained from addressing questions regarding his own entry into politics.
Contradicting earlier speculations in January 2024, Nishant Kumar had brushed off the notion of joining politics, expressing his lack of interest and indicating he has instead chosen a spiritual path.
As far back as 2015, a JD(U) leader had commended Nishant Kumar for his political acumen. When queried about his potential political involvement, he responded, “Certainly. Young individuals with such forward-thinking ideas are welcomed in politics. The appropriate decision will be made at the right time.”
The news emerges despite Nitish Kumar’s firm opposition to endorsing nepotism in politics. “Nowadays, many people seem more focused on advancing their own families within the political sphere. I have never supported my own family’s promotion; instead, I prioritize uplifting others in the party,” he has remarked.