The Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, Vishnu Deo Sai, recently engaged with prominent industrialists and diplomats in Mumbai to promote investment opportunities within the state. This initiative follows the successful Investor Connect meeting in the city, where commitments amounting to ₹6,000 crore were secured.
During this visit, the Chief Minister had discussions with notable figures such as Tanya Dubash from Godrej Industries, Kumar Mangalam Birla, and U.S. Consul General Mike Hankey, as well as Ivan Y Fetisov, the Consul General of Russia. The aim was to explore investment avenues in various sectors, including healthcare, education, information technology, and tourism.
In a media interaction, Deo expressed the state government’s ambition to generate over 500,000 job opportunities in the next five years. He noted that since the introduction of the new industrial policy, Chhattisgarh has attracted a total of ₹1 lakh crore in investments, with several Investor Connect meetings held in Raipur, Delhi, and Mumbai.
A notable investment proposal has been received from Ambuja Cement, part of the Adani Group, amounting to ₹2,367 crore. To encourage investment and job creation, the state offers the Bespoke Policy for industries that invest ₹1,000 crore or employ 1,000 individuals. This policy provides for permanent capital investment incentives ranging from 30% to 50%, with allocations between ₹200 crore and ₹450 crore. Furthermore, attractive incentives are available for net SGST reimbursement, employment and EPF reimbursement, as well as training expense reimbursements lasting from five to twelve years.
The state government is also planning to conduct a global investment summit later this year to attract further investments.
One key focus of the Chhattisgarh government is to mitigate Naxalite influence and integrate those affected into mainstream society. The impact of Naxalite groups has decreased significantly, now confined to just five small districts in the Bastar region, which account for approximately 5% of the state’s total land area. The administration continues to work persistently against these elements.
Additionally, the government aims to emphasize safety in the state and enhance tourism while communicating that it is safe to live and work there. Since its establishment, the number of industrial units in Chhattisgarh has grown dramatically, skyrocketing from just 3,000 to over 28,000 today.